Wednesday, August 21, 2013


“Believe in us, believe in fineness”
“Tell us your dreams, we make them true”
“I,B and C are the three most important letters which teach you everything from A to Z”
“Enter as a person, leave as a manager”

These are some of the lamest opening lines the writer was able to come up with as the introductory quotes for an article launching the new logo. But then I realized one thing. It doesn’t matter whether the person introduces the logo with some flashy commercialized statements or simply put up what the society actually does, as long as they implement it with perfection. So just one caption, “GNOSTOS PERENNIA”
Intellect Browsers Consortium (AKA, about me): I am a consortium (association) of intellect browsers (people who browse the intellects). And I couldn’t find a better way of expressing and explaining this, than what Kamakshi Gupta and Sanjana Wadhwa have done it, in this logo. This logo (at the end of the article) is my official logo from 21.08.2013.
The whole creative team was assigned the job of submitting their ideas. Brilliant ones, ranging from simple, yet creative designs to complex and meaningful were invented. In the end, the team chose a logo which echoes the meaning of IBC. Browsing the intellect.
You are the team. Every single thing you learn elevates the society by a step. Never stop learning because knowledge is imperishable.

When the team actually initialized the process of creating a new logo for me they were flooded by a plethora of ideas (so has been told to me). Brains. Pens. Spectacles? 3-dimensional designs? Gears? Some were apt, some were absurd. But they finally found definition in the blur.

Our new logo composes of a mouse (not the Jerry member of the rodent family), a device, in front of you right now, as a matter of fact (or its successor, the trackpad or a touchscreen maybe), used for browsing the internet. But in this case it is used for browsing intellect, pictorially represented by a bulb (did that thing light up over your head too?)

Gnostos Perennia. Hasta La Vista!

1 comment:

  1. It sounded more like the desperation of someone called IBC to describe his new profile picture. :P
